Dynamic Community Fusion Borders Cognitive Advice and Support Service

To assist in the rehabilitation of those suffering from Brain Injuries across the length and breadth of the Scottish Borders. We aim to inform, advice and support to enable Service Users to rebuild their lives, be independent and integrate back into society. Most of our work is carried out on a 1-1 basis but we also offer support groups across the Scottish Borders.

Current opportunities

To help support adults living in the Scottish Borders who have a recognised neurological condition. • Offer telephone support to people with a neurological condition, who are experiencing isolation and loneliness. • Meet service users at DCF groups and activities, to offer a familiar face and support as they come into an unknown environment. • Taking the time to listen, and provide support, guidance, and encouragement. • This role will be carried out predominantly virtually over the phone (i.e. carrying out weekly phone calls), or meeting service users in the office, or at a local group. Time commitment - minimum of 2 hours per week.

To create social media content, including videos, about neurological conditions, and other related key challenges, including mental and physical health, anxiety, depression, nutrition, sleep etc; and to find other people who can contribute content. This could also include attending local DCF events to capture pictures and stories that can be shared on social media (in line with DCF policies, procedures and necessary consents). Main tasks: • Creating digital content for our social media • Speaking to DCF staff/volunteers to capture work being carried out that can be shared on our social media • Preparing team members to record videos where they talk to people about key topics, i.e. anxiety, and then reviewing these once completed. • This role will be based in the office, using a DCF laptop and phone. Time Commitment minimum 2 hours per week

To use and share your creativity in a support group capacity: to help individuals living with a neurological condition, to make memories, learn new skills, and manage their emotions, through leading creative activities, such as art, photography, cooking, music, knitting etc. • To develop, lead or support creative sessions and activities, based around the interests, needs and abilities of our service users. • To encourage peer-support within the group • To greet and welcome new group members, and to offer refreshments. Time commitment - Minimum of 2 hours per month (at fixed session times).

To use and share your specialist knowledge in health/wellbeing to deliver workshops to support people living with a neurological condition: to help them better manage their conditions and improve their daily lives. Main tasks: • To lead a specialist workshop on a subject matter based within your area of expertise, i.e., pain management/ managing anxiety etc. • To adapt sessions to meet service user’s needs, interests, skills and capabilities. • To greet and welcome new group members, and to offer refreshments.