A Listening Ear

Current opportunities

A Listening Ear provides a befriending service to people who are isolated and vulnerable, offering friendship, signposting, information, and referral to other appropriate agencies. A Listening Ear is an open access service serving the communities of Dumfries and Galloway. Description of the role: Befriending is delivered by volunteers primarily over the phone. Virtual befriending via Zoom, Skype or WhatsApp is planned in the near future as is providing face-to-face support in 2023. Volunteers will call people in their own homes at a time that is mutually agreed between you and your phone friend. (A handset is provided). Boundaries must be maintained at all times by volunteers, i.e., confidentiality and GDPR training will be provided. Volunteers will be required to listen, chat and, if required, identify any appropriate support the person would benefit from, signposting as necessary. Volunteers must inform the Volunteer Coordinator of any concerns in relation to their phone friends in the first instance or request information on appropriate signposting services. Volunteers are required to take part in induction and ongoing training and identify personal development and learning opportunities. Volunteers should be available for agreed support and supervision sessions with the Volunteer Coordinator which may take place in person, over Zoom or over the phone at a mutually agreed time and frequency of no less than every 8 weeks. Personal Qualities: • A good knowledge of your local community, organisations operating within it and community spaces. • Non-judgemental. • Respectful and caring nature. • A good listener. • Reliable. • Good communication skills. • Able to maintain confidentiality. • Make and stick to the agreed time commitment.

A listening Ear provides a befriending service to people who are isolated or lonely, offering friendship, signposting, information and referral to other appropriate agencies. A Listening Ear is an open access service serving the communities of Dumfries and Galloway. As a Charity Trustee you have an important and valuable role to play in governing our work, in accordance with the Constitution and Strategic Plan, and in consultation with our members and wider community. Trustees will be responsible for overseeing the governance, effective management, strategic development and fulfilment of ALE’s vision and mission; ensuring compliance with the Constitution, contracts, charity policies and all relevant legislation; acting in the interests of ALE and promoting its success at all times. DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES •Ensuring that A Listening Ear complies with its governing document (Constitution), charity law and any other relevant legislation or regulations •Ensuring that A Listening Ear pursues its objectives as defined in its governing document •Ensuring that A Listening Ear applies its resources exclusively in pursuance of its objectives •Ensuring the financial viability and sustainability of A Listening Ear •Contributing actively to the Board of Trustees in setting policy, providing strategic direction and evaluating performance •Safeguarding the good name and values of A Listening Ear •Acting as an ambassador for A Listening Ear

A listening Ear provides a befriending service to people who are isolated and vulnerable, offering friendship, signposting, information and referral to other appropriate agencies. A Listening Ear is an open access service serving the communities of Dumfries and Galloway. Role Descriptor •Volunteer Ambassadors will identify and develop relationships with key Community spaces/ assets in order to display and promote the services of A Listening Ear, replenishing literature as required. •Volunteer Ambassadors will develop an understanding of community or wellbeing events, for the purpose of promoting the work of A Listening Ear to develop referral pathways,. •Volunteer Ambassadors will support the Volunteer Coordinator in planning and hosting localised events such as group befriending sessions, festive get togethers or volunteer drop in sessions.

A listening Ear provides a befriending service to people who are isolated and vulnerable, offering friendship, signposting, information and referral to other appropriate agencies. A Listening Ear is an open access service serving the communities of Dumfries and Galloway. Role Description: •Befriending will be delivered by volunteers through a telephone service, virtual befriending via zoom, skype or Whatsapp or face to face support. •Volunteers will call people in their own homes at a time that is mutually agreed between you and your phone friend. •Boundaries must be maintained at all times by volunteers, i.e., confidentiality, GDPR training will be provided). •Volunteers will be required to listen, chat and if required identify any appropriate support the person would benefit from signposting as necessary. •Volunteers must inform the Volunteer Coordinator of any concerns in relation to their phone friends in the first instance or request information on appropriate signposting services. •Volunteers are required to take part in induction and ongoing training and identify personal development and learning opportunities. •Volunteers should be available for agreed support and supervision sessions with the Volunteer Coordinator which may take place in person, over zoom or telephone at mutually agreed time and frequency of no less then every 8 weeks