SSAFA - The Armed Forces Charity (WI)

Charity registered in Scotland SC038056

SSAFA, the Armed Forces charity is a trusted source of support for serving personnel, veterans and their families in their time of need. Our teams of trained volunteers and employees provide practical, emotional and financial assistance to the Armed Forces community enabling them to thrive.

Current opportunities

Would you like to support people who have served in the Armed Forces? You don't need a military background just patience, and an ability to get on with people from different backgrounds and age groups. If so, this could be the role for you. SSAFA Visitors provide support to isolated people living at home or in residential care. Whilst a friendly chat about the old days over a cup of tea, playing cards, looking at old photo albums or military momentum is an important aspect of the role you will also be able to recognise any other support needs and explore how to link your client into their local community and arrange for a SSAFA caseworker to assess the client for other support needed. The essential part of the role is visiting the client. Whilst you will visit a client on a regular basis for a period you will not be developing a kind of relationship where you will provide personal care, handle money or support someone in an emergency. SSAFA can help clients to arrange other types of support if needed.

Would you like to support people who have served in the Armed Forces? You don’t need a military background, just the ability to listen, some basic I.T skills and good written and spoken English. If so, this could be the role for you. What is a caseworker? Caseworkers work with clients to figure out what type of help they need. Next, they find the right sources of support and arrange for clients to access it. This might be funds for special equipment for someone with a disability, adaptions to a property so an older client can remain at home or funds for a rental deposit. Caseworkers also sign-post clients onto specialist local services for advice on benefits, housing, mental health, debt, finding work etc. Why do we need you? Volunteer Caseworkers are the lifeblood of SSAFA, supporting a growing number of people in need of financial, practical and emotional support. Clients come from all backgrounds and age groups and may have served in WW2 or in a more recent conflict like Iraq or Afghanistan. Our trained volunteers listen without judgement to assess and provide tailored support to help people navigate life in and beyond military service. We need you to join your local SSAFA team to help us achieve this.