DataKirk SCIO

Charity registered in Scotland SC049344

DataKirk SCIO is a data literacy and analytics training provider, empowering people with the skills for the jobs of tomorrow, through upskilling and reskilling of data enthusiasts. We are closing the data divide. We provide a hands-on environment for people to get curious, creative, and ultimately, confident with data.

Current opportunities

We are looking for Professionals and Postgraduate Students from Data science background and other related subject areas, to help support our weekly Data literacy and analytics club in handling the following responsibilities. Lead weekly online data literacy session. Provide online mentoring support Support the team in planning projects and other data events Support in the development of learning materials Support the lab sessions and workshops.

We need support in the area of income generation and building a financially sustainable project. We need help in the following areas: Business Development Commissioning /Contracting Fundraising Events Fundraising Strategy Researching Funders and writing proposals

Online STEM tutoring is a great option for anyone having a busy schedule or those who do not have money to procure the service of a private tutor. For our online STEM project, tutors work remotely and provide support for pupils in English language, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and Biology via google classroom. Helping pupils to increase strength on weak subject areas, progress evaluation and feedback. Revise past examination papers to prepare learners.

Leading, motivating, and coaching young learners on life skills to bring the best out of them and ensure they are actively participating in the DataKirk project. The key tasks include: Youth leadership training programme. Youth digital training skills. Youth employability training skills programme. Youth life training skills programme.