NHS Ayrshire & Arran (South Ayrshire)

NHS Ayrshire & Arran is proud to invest in its volunteers and promotes the benefits of their valuable contribution throughout its hospitals and communities. Our volunteers bring a wealth of skills, knowledge and experience – who all make such a difference to patients, their families and staff. Why volunteer? Volunteering offers many benefits and opportunities for the people who participate. Volunteers extend and enhance our services and make a significant and valuable contribution to our work. You can volunteer in a range of settings which provide flexible and creative ways of involving volunteers, allowing service users, volunteers and staff to work together within a safe and accountable framework.
What do volunteers do? Volunteers provide support to our service users, which is additional to and different from the work of paid staff. We do not regard volunteers as a substitute for staff, but rather see their contribution as complimentary to existing services. Volunteers enable us to develop different types of relationships and opportunities and to enable users to experience things that staff would not necessarily be able to provide. Volunteers are a valuable and respected resource within the health service. They work closely with staff to ensure people receive quality do not regard volunteers.

Current opportunity

Key duties: • To make service users feel welcome on entering the community centre and directing them to according to their appointments if required. • To provide service users with refreshments on arrival and during the course of the session. • To encourage service users to get involved in conversations and generate ideas about service improvements. • To provide a valuable link between the project officer and the community to help feedback ideas which will help to shape the services going forwards. Personal specification: • Volunteers must be 18 or over. This is not a clinical role and you will not be shadowing or assisting staff. • Good listening and communication skills are essential. • Patience and composure. • A caring, sympathetic, sensitive manner and a non-judgemental approach • Reliable/ dependable and flexible. • Understanding of confidentiality. • Have a positive outlook and enthusiastic approach. Additional requirements and general information: • Successful placement will be dependent on Disclosure Scotland PVG and Occupational health clearances plus two character references • Maintain patient confidentiality at all times. • Volunteers should not: undertake duties outside this role description without checking first with the Diabetes MCN Manager/Volunteer Manager; undertake any manual handling tasks without the appropriate training; undertake patients’ personal or clinical care. • A volunteer can offer emotional support and empathy but must under no circumstances offer advice of medical opinion on a patient’s treatment • Volunteers are in place to complement the work of the paid staff and are not used to replace roles that are normally undertaken by paid hospital employees. • Volunteers are bound by the ‘Volunteer Agreement’ which should be signed and returned to the Volunteer Manager prior to undertaking this role. • You will be required to undertake training relevant to the role including: corporate induction; role training prior to placement and other training as identified for the role whilst on placement.