Personal Footcare Volunteer

  • VO101333


Top Toes provides a personal foot care service for clients who are unable to provide their own personal foot care. This is an essential service for the community. Good foot care can reduce the risk of falls among vulnerable older people, improves mobility and improves quality of life. This project also supports the work of NHS podiatry services, allowing them to focus on quality care for those who really need it.

Footcare tasks include:
· Set up and maintain sterile treatment room with appropriate equipment
· Check and clean plinth
· Complete health and well-being checklist with each client
· Remove client’s footwear (where requested by client)
· Clean toenails with sterile antiseptic wipes
· Clean and check the client’s set of clippers for cleanliness and suitability for use (clients will be given their own set of clippers at their first appointment and will bring with them to each subsequent appointment)
· Cut toenails
· Give foot care and emollient advice

If you think that you can contribute to this important service, or would like to know more, then please do get in touch: Thank you!

Organisation aims and objectives

Braveheart is a small charity, operating in the Forth Valley area of Scotland, which provides self management support groups and a led walking programme to adults with or at risk of developing long term health problems, particularly coronary heart disease and type 2 diabetes. Braveheart's model is unique to the UK. It is entirely volunteer led, and it takes a community development approach. Brave heart trains lay volunteers, many of whom have long term health conditions themselves and it involves them as leaders. Our approach is to engage with " high risk" individuals in non clinical settings such as community centres and church halls to support and encourage them to take responsibility for improving their health.










Frequency and commitment details

Footcare clinic sessions will take place at varying times and days throughout the week. Volunteers can discuss their availability with the organisation.


Experience required: Volunteers will be aged 18 years and over and will have excellent communication skills, good hand-to-eye coordination, good hand strength and dexterity, and be compassionate and understanding, trustworthy, and able to observe strict confidentiality.
Travel details: Footcare clinics are held in locations across the Falkirk District.
Minimum age: 18


Expenses paid: Yes
Expenses details: Travel expenses are available.
Taster available: Yes
Training details: Induction training and nail cutting training (provided by NHS Forth Valley) must be completed before volunteering.
Support: Named Contact For Volunteer