Friendship Caller (Harris)

  • VO101173
  • Home-based volunteering


The friendship service is part of the wider Age Scotland helpline. The aim of the role is to provide calls of companionship to people who are 50 and over, who may live alone or feel alone, who don't have family nearby or who can't get online, and would benefit from a chat.
The friendship service differs to a befriending service in that we don't match volunteers with callers, we rotate the volunteers around so that older people can engage in different conversations.
The role is easy to fit in to most busy schedules. We ask that volunteers can commit up to 2 hours per week on the same day each week. Volunteering will be arranged for mutual convenience.

Organisation aims and objectives

As Scotland's National charity supporting people over the of 50. Age Scotland works to improve peoples lives and promote their rights and interests. We aim to help people love later life, whatever their circumstances. We want Scotland to be the best place to grow older.










Mon, Tues, Thurs mornings between 10am -12pm Wed, Friday afternoons 1.30pm- 5pm

Frequency and commitment details

Up to 2 hours a week on same day each week


Must be over the age of 18
Experience required: Enjoy talking to people on the phone. Can listen effectively. Empathetic and caring nature. Be kind and respectful. Have a good understanding and knowledge of IT. Agreeing and complying with Age Scotland's policies and procedures. Have the ability to volunteer independently.
Minimum age: 18


Training details: Online group training session covering the work of Age Scotland, policies and procedures, and role as a volunteer. In house dementia awareness and older veterans training and general call handling. Weekly/ Bi weekly ongoing support support.
Support: Named Contact For Volunteer