Social media engagement volunteer. Forth Valley Recovery Community are looking for enthusiastic and compassionate volunteers who have an understanding of addiction and recovery either through personal experience, family experience or as a champion of the community.
Forth Valley Recovery Community (FVRC) is a member-led organisation that provides a safe drug and alcohol free place for people in recovery and those who are interested in recovery. It has been running since 2015. They provide a range of support and activities to provide friendship, improved wellbeing and physical health as well as positive recovery support in the form of low level psychological interventions. FVRC help people to rebuild and move forward with their lives in a person centred, compassionate and person-centred way. As part of this programme of support they provide recovery cafes across Forth Valley where members can socialise, eat together, do some fun things like art, music or physical activity and take part in recovery support groups.
Working within their dynamic team of paid workers and volunteers, FVRC are looking for an experienced social media person who can create and upload engaging and informative posts to their social media platforms.
Training and induction will be provided and support to travel to different locations around the area will be accommodated in order to gain an understanding of the work they do and how we would like it to be shared with others for maximum engagement. Timings for this role will be discussed, though it is expected to be a few hours a week with more if an event is taking place. Volunteers are managed by a member of staff and are able to take part in ongoing training if they wish. There is a monthly volunteer support meeting and occasional social event.
If you have any questions, please email:
We offer services to anyone who: · is living in Forth Valley · is aged 16 years or over · has a substance misuse problem or is affected by someone else’s · wants to change their substance misuse problem · wants to change someone else’s substance misuse problem We also offer counselling services for anyone who is affected by gambling problems. Service users can refer themselves. We accept referrals from any organisation, service or professional who encounters someone who is affected by a substance misuse problem. In making a referral we would ask that the referring agent gives as much information as possible about the person’s readiness and commitment to engage with our services.
FVRC provides volunteering opportunities for those over the age of 16.
Experience required: This post is ideal for someone who is wishing to expand their experience of working in the third sector as a social media engagement officer. Being tech savvy, imaginative and knowledgeable on up-to-date methods of engaging with stakeholders is essential.
Minimum age: 16
Expenses paid: Yes
Taster details: No.
Training details: FVRC provides 3 days training in addiction and recovery and support and shadowing will be put in place as an induction to this specific role and are supervised by a member of staff. Volunteers have the choice to be involved in the wider work of the community where they provide lots of opportunities to improve your own mental and physical health, make great friends and build a fantastic CV.
Named Contact For Volunteer