Friendz Volunteer (Fife)

  • VO101094


Want to make a difference? Want to do something fun and inspirational with a serious impact? Become a Friendz Volunteer with Down’s Syndrome Scotland!

Social isolation and loneliness have a major impact on the health, well-being, and life expectancy of adults with Down’s Syndrome. Down’s Syndrome Scotland’s exciting new Friendz Meetups programme aims to tackle the loneliness and social isolation experienced by adults with Down’s syndrome across Fife.

Friendz volunteers will form part of a team of trained, skilled, volunteers who will support small groups of adults with Down’s syndrome to come together for monthly social, community Meetups. By becoming a Friendz volunteer you can help adults with Down’s syndrome get out and about more, grow friendships, build their community confidence, self-esteem, and independence skills by leading group activities, engaging with group members and providing peer support.










1 - 5 hours per day


The Friendz Meetups programme is designed for adults with Down’s syndrome aged 18+ including older adults so we would like to match the groups with individuals in a peer capacity or with the potential to take a lead a group of vulnerable adults
Experience required: -To be open minded, accepting, and non-judgemental – to see the world in a different way. -To be reliable, consistent, and engage on your own initiative. -Good organisation, listening and communication skills. -Confident, kind, friendly, outgoing, with a great sense of humour. -A willingness to learn, take the lead and also be guided by the group.
Travel details: Various locations across Fife – volunteers will be matched locally.
Minimum age: 18


Expenses paid: Yes
Expenses details: They reimburse public transport rates and mileage at 45p per mile where applicable. They also cover the costs of activities that volunteers take part in with the group. Also they make every effort to set up activities which will have accessible facilities wherever possible.
Training details: All volunteers will undertake an online induction training which will take place in two blocks of 3 hours with an additional 1-hour online inclusion training course. An ongoing training programme will reflect the support needs of the volunteers. Volunteers will receive supervision on a formal and informal basis with additional peer support sessions.
Support: Named Contact For Volunteer