Board Members

  • VO100980
  • Board/trustee role


We are looking for enthusiastic, community-minded people from all walks of life. While you don’t need to have previous board-level experience, we would like to hear from people who can support our team in delivering our ambitious business plan.
The role of a board member is unpaid but is highly rewarding. Our board members benefit from support, developmental training and a sense of real pride and satisfaction from providing quality homes for people who need them, and while we don’t offer remuneration, we pay reasonable out-of-pocket expenses.

Role Description :
Our board members play an important role in ensuring that all decisions, new policies, procedures or changes to existing ones, have our customers at the heart of them. This is why we need you, our customer, to join the Board – helping us to improve our homes and services.
At BHA, we believe in making a difference. We are passionate about our role in providing affordable homes where people can live their life to the fullest in a safe, comfortable, and attractive setting.
Now is an exciting time to join BHA as a board member as we are currently developing and implementing our new Five-year Business Plan. We are keen to attract people who have an interest in improving the lives of our customers and the wider community, ensuring we are providing outstanding services and interventions.
There are so many reasons why joining our Board can be fulfilling both on a professional and personal level. Serving on our Board is a fantastic opportunity to contribute to the leadership of a forward-thinking organisation whilst growing and developing your skills and knowledge for the housing sector.
As a board member, you’ll play a central role in ensuring that we pursue our ambitions and meet the expectations of key stakeholders, including the Scottish Housing Regulator and our customers.
What is the role of a Board Member at BHA ?
It is the responsibility of the Board and the Executive Team to ensure that BHA delivers the best possible services it can to its customers, existing and future. Alongside retaining and recruiting sufficiently skilled and knowledgeable colleagues at all levels throughout the organisation. Board members are ambassadors, acting in the best interests of BHA at all times.

Key responsibilities of a Board Member:
• Work with the Board and Executive Team in setting the strategic vision, values, and culture for Berwickshire Housing Association.

• Ensure effective oversight of delivery against the strategic plan, monitoring of customer satisfaction and overall value for money.
• Ensure the necessary financial and other resources are in place to deliver the strategic outcomes and promote the long term, sustainable success of the organisation.
• Ensure good oversight of the governance arrangements.
• Ensure effective risk management of BHA’s financial plan, activities and operations.
• Ensure effective decision making, actively contributing experience, insight, and skills to provide constructive challenge, debate and inform decision-making.
• Fulfil the role of a charity trustee, complying with Berwickshire Housing Association’s Code of Conduct, Standing Orders, rules and other internal policies and procedures.

Organisation aims and objectives

Registered Social Landlord (Housing Association)










The term of office will usually be a three-year term. There are normally 6 Board Meetings, 4 Committee Meetings and arranged Board strategy sessions throughout the year.


Experience required: We are striving to improve the diversity of experience and thought amongst our Board and are seeking new board members with a range of skills and experiences but particularly, those with one or more of the following skillsets; • Strategic asset management in a social housing setting. • General social housing sector knowledge and experience at strategic/senior level. • Strategic IT & Digital. • Compliance, Health and Safety, and Risk Management.
Travel details: Our main office is at 55 Newtown Street, Duns, Berwickshire, Scottish Borders. All Board meetings take place within a hybrid model i.e., in-person at head office or by MS Teams.


Expenses paid: Yes
Expenses details: Only travel expenses paid
Taster available: Yes
Training details: Full training and support will be provided along with a comprehensive induction session with members of the Executive Team.