Gardening volunteer

  • VO100767


On the 20th March 2011 the people of Girvan celebrated the official opening of their community garden. People couldn't believe the transformation of what was once a neglected and overgrown tree nursery.

Before we took over the area in 2006/07 it had lain derelict for over 30 years. We knew it had lots of potential and so we decided to ask the community what they thought of turning it into a community garden. The support was overwhelming.

As you can imagine there was lots to do to get the area into a state where we could start to design and plant. We relied heavily on volunteers who are the backbone of our community garden.

In July 2010 we became part of the Beechgrove Garden Community Garden’s project. They came and filmed us and helped with our design ideas. It finally felt like we were really getting somewhere.

After all of the hard work it's wonderful to be able to open the garden up to so many different people. We relish the opportunity to promote gardening and other related activities particularly to those who are new gardeners and young children.
We support community well-being and better health through gardening. Events held in the community garden are well attended and supported.

We are currently looking for volunteer gardeners to join us on Tuesdays to help plant and maintain the gardens. We welcome volunteers from across the spectrum of gardening knowledge and experience. Would you like to volunteer and learn more about gardening? Do you have gardening knowledge and skills you could use by volunteering to help us in the garden? We look forward to hearing from you!











Minimum age: 18


Taster available: Yes
Training details: Volunteers would always be accompanied in the garden by a staff member