Grandmentor - Midlothian

  • VO100675


Grandmentors is an award-winning mentoring programme, operating in various locations across the UK. We are currently looking for new Volunteer Mentors to join our programme in Midlothian which launched in 2023.

We recruit, train and support Volunteer Mentors (normally but not always aged 50+) who use their life experience and skills to support young adults (aged 16-26) on their pathway to adulthood.

Grandmentors is all about positive and empowering relationships. Young people taking part in the project benefit from safe, consistent relationships, and access to meaningful support to boost their mental & physical wellbeing, resilience, and confidence.

Mentors support young people with their physical and mental health and wellbeing, help to access Education, Employment or Training, or around their Housing and Finance goals.

Our Volunteer Mentors receive all relevant training, on-going help and support from the project, as well as being reimbursed for the costs of any travel or general expenses incurred. If you are interested in finding out more, please contact us, we would love to hear from you!

Organisation aims and objectives

Our vision is of a society where everyone can participate in their local community through volunteering and social action.










Frequency and commitment details

1-2 hours weekly/fortnightly


Grandmentors normally (but not always) invovles Volunteer Mentors aged 50+ . If you are younger than 50 and feel you have the time, life skills, and life experience to offer, please do contact us!
Experience required: Good people and communication skills Good organisational skills Life skills Patience and determination with lots of resilience Experience or interest in supporting young people, many of whom face life barriers and challenges
Travel details: Grandmentors supports young people across all areas of Midlothian
Minimum age: 35


Expenses paid: Yes
Expenses details: All travel and general expenses reimbursed
Taster available: Yes
Taster details: Information Session, to find out more details, available to all prospective volunteers
Training details: Volunteers are provided with induction and ongoing training, as well as support from a dedicated staff member