Front of House Volunteers

  • VO100348


Did you know that if you volunteer to help out on the ticket desk at any of the many varied events held at Duns Volunteer Hall you get to stay for the event, for free?

We are looking for a team of people who would like to meet and greet people and check tickets as they enter the hall. You choose which event you would like to help out at from the many varied events held throughout the year.

No experience necessary as you will be given full training and partnered with an experienced volunteer.

Get in touch to find out more. Not only will you learn a new skill (or rekindle an old one) you will also make new friends and have fun.

Role Description:
• Arrive early and ensure the ticket table is all set up with cashbox, ticket list, pens etc.
• Meet and greet people with a smile.
• Check off names against the ticket list.
• Wish everyone an enjoyable night/event.
• Take your seat and enjoy the show/film.


Experience required: No experience necessary. You will be given full in-house training and will be partnered with an experienced volunteer.
Travel details: Volunteer Hall, Duns, Scottish Borders
Minimum age: 18


Taster available: Yes
Training details: We can work around you. You can come to be shown around and see what you think. You can come for a hour and have a go. You can come for a full shift and see what you think. You will be partnered with an experienced volunteer for as long as you need.
Support: Named Contact For Volunteer