Activities Facilitator

  • VO100334


We at Sunnybrae are a Very Sheltered Housing complex, set up to enable people to live independently in a community setting with the added bonus of high-quality care and access to meals and activities provided at the Core building. We are looking for volunteers to support our friendly staff team with organising and leading activities for our residents.

Activities could include organising or providing:

  • Live music or singing;
  • Arts and crafts sessions;
  • Physical exercise such as chair yoga, boccia, any active games;
  • Gardening and sprucing up our little cul-de-sac;
  • Pampering sessions, hair and nails and make-up;
  • Technology and learning, maybe you could show our residents a games console or VR set?;
  • Fundraising ideas for out comfort fund;
    … or just taking a resident for a wander and a blether.

We will be delighted to have your ideas and for you to share your hobbies with us.

These can be group activities or one-to-one activities with residents, tailored to both your interests and the resident’s.

This role is very flexible and does not require fixed days – every hour spent with our residents enriches their lives and will be very much appreciated.

What could a volunteer gain from the experience:
Helping our residents lead a fulfilled life - reviving old skills or even learning new ones is a wonderful thing for them and the satisfaction you will gain from this can make an immense positive difference to your life as well. Maybe you are interested in a job in care in the future? This would be a great opportunity to gain an understanding of the sector and can support a future application. Maybe you could even learn an old skill from one of our residents!

Organisation aims and objectives

Supported housing in Kirkwall.

Frequency and commitment details

Any day that suits volunteer, 7 days per week.


Experience required: None – all you need is a smile on your face and the willingness to make somebody’s day a bit better.
Minimum age: 18


Training details: Volunteers will have an induction to the service, buildings and needs of our residents.