Digital Champions-Databank

  • VO100234


We are looking for volunteers with good IT skills to support Databanks in branch libraries. A databank is like a food bank, but for mobile data – it provides free mobile SIM cards for people who need internet connectivity.

Your role will be to:

Assist customers with inserting sim cards into their devices and topping up by voucher
Assisting with online registration and monitoring
Advising on budgeting data and answering any queries customers may have

You will also be an ambassador for databanks in libraries, assisting with promotion to key partners in the community to ensure we are reaching those who will benefit.

Organisation aims and objectives

Dundee's main public library which aims to provide a comprehensive lending, reference and learning service to inhabitants of the city.










Minimum commitment would be 2 hours per week.

Frequency and commitment details

Minimum commitment would be 2 hours per week.


For legal reasons volunteers must be aged 18 or over to asist with gifting data. This opportunity would be during the day when younger people will attending school.
Experience required: Good customer Service skills - polite, approachable and respectful Basic IT Skills Good Communication Skills - ability to explain instructions and advice clearly to library customers who may have a range of communication needs.
Minimum age: 18


Expenses details: Please note: No expenses are paid for this opportunity.
Taster available: Yes
Taster details: Prospective volunteers can engage with a 1 hour taster session within the Opportunities room at Central Library to give them an understanding of the space we provide support in and the types of activities we can support members of the public with before committing.
Training details: Named point of contact Induction training; orientation, roles and responsibilities, GDPR, communication skills, engaging with customers. Ongoing training; Equalities, Customer Service, Poverty, Inequality & Health.
Support: Named Contact For Volunteer,
Wheelchair Access/Disabled Access Toilet