Dementia Support Volunteer - Newburgh

  • VO100207


Volunteers transform the lives of people with dementia, by helping to enable them to take positive steps to connect to their community and reduce their isolation.

In this role, the volunteer will attend Dunfermline Day Centre, and support older people living with dementia to be independent and stay connected to their communities. This role includes supporting to provide lunch and healthy snacks as well as supporting with social activities such as exercises to improve strength and mobility or taking part in crafts and hobbies with the older person.

Organisation aims and objectives

RVS. aims to help people maintain independence and dignity in their own homes and communities, particularly in later life. This strategy places increased emphasis on: - Food delivered to the home - Extending the service we provide in hospitals to include not just cafes and shops but also patient support and get-you-home service - Community help schemes that support independence for older and housebound people at home and in their community - Emergency services to support those vulnerable through national or other disasters










2 hours per week


Experience required: The volunteer will need to have a friendly personality and good communication skills, with a non-judgmental attitude towards an individual’s circumstances and a willingness to ensure confidentiality. They will receive relevant training for the role and will be welcomed and supported by a friendly, local team.
Travel details: Newburgh Lunch Club Robertson Road, Newburgh, KY14 6AW Friday 11.00 a.m. – 14.00 p.m.
Minimum age: 16


Expenses paid: Yes
Expenses details: Volunteers can claim expenses incurred travelling to and from their duties. Drivers are re-imbursed at 45p per mile, and they pay public transportation rates. Volunteers can claim weekly or monthly.
Training details: The volunteer will be working with a team of volunteers and staff who will support the volunteer. Royal Voluntary Service has a training website available for all volunteers. There are also workbooks available to anyone without access to a computer.
Support: Named Contact For Volunteer,
Wheelchair Access/Disabled Access Toilet