Surveying volunteer (Species on the Edge)

  • VO100179


Buglife would like volunteers to survey the rare and threatened Short-necked Oil Beetle on the Hebrides on sand dunes and machair grassland across Uist (primarily the west coast)

Organisation aims and objectives

Buglife is the only organisation in Europe devoted to the conservation of all invertebrates. We’re actively working to save Britain’s rarest little animals, everything from bees to beetles, worms to woodlice and jumping spiders to jellyfish.


Experience required: General fitness and ability to walk on uneven surfaces for 1-3 hours. We can support you in doing surveys, which require less walking or can be done at a slower pace, just let us know what your level of ability is. Willingness to learn wildlife identification and survey skills, building your personal training record. Ability to complete the surveys as an individual or in small groups. Ability to travel independently to survey sites. Good organisation skills.