Chair and Trustees

  • VO99901
  • Board/trustee role


The Scottish Fisheries Museum is seeking a new Chair and Trustees to shape and guide the organisation’s future direction. They are looking for people who are committed to using their expertise and networks in support of their charitable objectives and goals. The Board is responsible for leadership, direction, and oversight to a small team of nineteen, mostly part time, paid staff, plus significant volunteer support, which is vitally important to the museum.

Located in Anstruther, the Scottish Fisheries Museum was founded in 1969 to collect, record and interpret the history of the fishing industry in Scotland. The charity holds over 65,000 artefacts, including historic fishing vessels and two operational vessels, recognised as a collection of national significance. The museum has come through the difficult post Covid period, but there are undoubtedly ongoing challenges. They are looking to develop their resilience, combining their local context and national significance.

Organisation aims and objectives

Situated in a wonderful collection of historic buildings on the harbour of a small and beautiful fishing port, we are a charitable trust which has become a national institution with an international reputation. Our principal aim, in all of our efforts with regard to the displays in our extensive museum and our many educational and research activities, is to excite informed interest in the development of the Scottish commercial fishing industry among people of all ages in and beyond Scotland. The core story that we have to tell is the history of how, through a constant process of innovation, the Scottish fisheries became such an important part of the lives of so many Scots. The Museum displays cover virtually every aspect of the industry and community, both at sea and on shore. The variety and beauty of old fishing boats are shown in the models and original vessels, including the Reaper and White Wing that still go to sea. Our learning and activity programmes engage audiences of all ages with the fascinating history of one of Scotland's major industries and we provide volunteering opportunities from customer service to archive work to boatbuilding.










The aim is for an annual commitment of 12-15 days.


Experience required: They are particularly looking for: -Financial experience, either in the charity or commercial sector – ideally a mixture of both -Experience of developing effective media and communications – as manager or user -Senior operational experience in a museum or third sector organisation -Experience of effective fundraising and successful grant applications/projects -Experience of charity governance and/or legal experience -Experience of working with volunteers
Travel details: Trustees are aiming to move to a regular schedule of formal Board meetings approx. every two months, alternating between on site and remote meetings. Trustees also contribute by serving on committees such as the Resources Committee and any ad hoc commitments including correspondence. The aim is for an annual commitment of 12-15 days.
Minimum age: 18


Expenses paid: Yes
Expenses details: The Trust pays public transport rates and reimburses volunteers after each Board meeting.
Training details: Trustees are given a welcome pack which includes information on the role of a trustee and on the museum. Ongoing support is provided as required and could take the form of mentoring from existing trustees, access to wider support networks and specific training courses.
Support: Named Contact For Volunteer,
Wheelchair Access/Disabled Access Toilet