Near You ( hearing aid support)

  • VO99261


RNID volunteers help people get the most out of their hearing aids by cleaning them, replacing batteries and doing other important maintenance. They provide tips and hints about getting the most from your hearing aids. Their volunteers also help people access the RNID online hearing check. It takes 3 minutes and is completely free. It will suggest if your hearing is in a normal range or if you may have hearing loss.

Help RNID offer a free, in-person drop-in service for people who are deaf, have hearing loss or tinnitus, or want to get their hearing checked.

Organisation aims and objectives

Provide support to people with hearing loss in local communities. Campaign for deaf and hard of hearing people to be able to participate fully in Uk society Support employers to better understand the needs of people with hearing loss and deafness in the workplace Fund research into deafness and hearing loss.










6 hours per month


Experience required: They are looking for people who are friendly and who want to contribute to their community and who are approachable. Supporting others is a major aspect of this volunteer role and caring and understanding as well as listening to others is important to them.
Travel details: RNID’s free, in-person drop-in services are delivered from local community settings such as libraries, health hubs and other community centres and in some cases local care homes.
Minimum age: 17


Expenses paid: Yes
Expenses details: RNID pays public transport rates and national milage rate 0.45p per mile, and volunteer expenses are reimbursed monthly by bank transfer
Taster available: Yes
Training details: All volunteers will receive induction training
Support: Named Contact For Volunteer