Committee Member

  • VO99190
  • Board/trustee role


Going Forward with Bridge of Allan Stroke Group Volunteers Needed!

Going Forward with Bridge of Allan Stroke Group supports members who have survived a stroke, are on their own journey and going forward. This group is there to support that journey and offer a friendly, safe and stimulating environment for members to thrive in. The group provides physical, oral and mental stimulation through physical activities such as games like Boccia and Kurling within their spacious hall. They have a varied programme of activities including seated yoga, exercise to music, singing to support those with aphasia, entertainment and a variety of speakers. The group encourages fun and friendship with time to chat over a cuppa and some cakes. The group welcomes spouses and carers of our stroke survivors to join if they wish to do so. Groups like Going Forward with Bridge of Allen Stroke Group increase access to peer support; to enhance recovery, encourage supported self-management, community rehabilitation, maintain health and wellbeing, create community resilience, and combat isolation and loneliness.

They are an independent group; insured by and affiliated to Chest Heart & Stroke Scotland (CHSS). Their aim is to support people living with stroke and long-term conditions through social interaction and ensure no life is half lived.

The group needs a friendly, enthusiastic person who enjoys working with people in their local community to become a part of their wonderful Committee!

The Committee makes sure that the group meets its aims as set out in the Constitution. The Committee has an important role to play in balancing the needs of the members, insurer and CHSS including:
· Ensuring members have a say in how the group is run
· Receiving feedback from members/volunteers on the group’s activities and addressing any issues promptly and respectfully
· Having a clear picture of the group’s finances and plan for the future
· Ensuring the group has correct policies and procedures including those for working with volunteers, safe working practices, dealing with complaints and confidentiality

· Understanding of the needs of people who have had a stroke
· Able to keep and store accurate records
· Ability to work well with people
· An awareness of boundaries and own limitations
· Good communication skills and ability to work confidentially

CHSS can provide training to support you in your role. Training can include:
· General information about chest, lung, heart and stroke conditions
· First aid, health & safety, data protection (GDPR)
· Assisting with mobility

Weekly on a Thursday from 2pm – 4pm.

Interested? For more information, please contact Peer Support Coordinator, Georgia Freyne.
Tel: 07756 876 063

Organisation aims and objectives

Chest, heart and stroke conditions affect one in five people in Scotland and we know there’s so much more to be done to reach everyone who needs support. That’s why, as a values-driven organisation, we are striving to develop innovative solutions to the challenges people living with our conditions face. We want people living with our conditions to be able to live their life to the full, accessing the medical, rehabilitation and wellbeing support they need at the time and place they want. Through our campaigning work, we fight for their right to the services they need. We are using our entrepreneurial talents to generate income to develop new services using the latest technology. Our agile forward-thinking approach is creating health solutions that will improve lives and reduce the burden on our struggling NHS. CHSS is playing a major role in healthcare in Scotland, with aspirations to work collectively with local and national healthcare partners to do so much more. We are accountable to the people we support living with our conditions. That’s why we have embedded a people-driven, participative approach to work inclusively to identify our priorities. Our vision: welcome to a Scotland where people with our conditions can live their lives well. Full lives, with the right support, at the right time and in the right place. A place where they can shape their future and live the life they want to lead. Our mission: welcome to a community where people can support each other, secure the expert help they need and collectively advocate for the care that matters to them. Welcome to the charity that never underestimates the power of a cup of tea, a conversation started, a recovery begun. No Life Half Lived means we need to listen to people with our conditions and deliver well for them. We have identified four goals to get us there: • We will place our focus on addressing the unmet needs of people with our conditions - social, emotional and physical - across all Scotland’s communities. • We will be led by our people: people with lived experience of our conditions, their families and carers, friends, colleagues and healthcare professionals. • We will secure the funding required to deliver via a diverse income portfolio that is consistent with our values and ethical approach • We will be effective and accountable in all that we do Everyone has the right to live life to the full. After a diagnosis of a chest or heart condition or a stroke, many people experience fear and isolation and struggle with the impact on their lives. CHSS won’t stand for that. The care and support we deliver every day ensures everyone can live the life they want to.










TIMINGS: Weekly on a Thursday from 2pm ? 4pm.

Frequency and commitment details

TIMINGS: Weekly on a Thursday from 2pm - 4pm. TIMINGS: Weekly on a Thursday from 2pm - 4pm.


Experience required: SKILLS AND QUALITIES · Understanding of the needs of people who have had a stroke · Able to keep and store accurate records · Ability to work well with people · An awareness of boundaries and own limitations · Good communication skills and ability to work confidentially
Minimum age: 18


Training details: TRAINING AND SUPPORT CHSS can provide training to support you in your role. Training can include: · General information about chest, lung, heart and stroke conditions · First aid, health & safety, data protection (GDPR) · Assisting with mobility
Support: Named Contact For Volunteer