IT Support

  • VO98765


Many of our library customers come to us for advice and practical support to access online resources, as they may not have access to a computer or the internet at home. We need volunteers who can explain and practically demonstrate how to complete basic IT tasks,assisting customers to improve their skills and access the information and support they require online.

As part of the Library and Information service of Leisure and Culture Dundee, your role will be to support library customers to improve their IT skills through the provision of Basic IT support and training, which could include;

Support with setting up and using email
Accessing online job search and completing employment applications
Scanning and uploading documents
Accessing online training courses Completing online applications e.g. for housing or benefits Travel planning Using microsoft office packages Downloading and printing documents Accessing library service e-resources

Organisation aims and objectives

Dundee's main public library which aims to provide a comprehensive lending, reference and learning service to inhabitants of the city.











Experience required: Good customer Service skills - polite, approachable and respectful Basic IT Skills Good Communication Skills - ability to explain instructions and advice clearly to library customers who may have a range of communication needs
Travel details: Central Library Dundee


Expenses details: Please note: No expenses are paid for this opportunity.
Taster available: Yes
Taster details: Prospective volunteers can engage with a 1 hour taster session within the Opportunities room at Central Library to give them an understanding of the space we provide support in and the types of activities we can support members of the public with before committing
Training details: Named point of contact Induction training; orientation, roles and responsibilities, GDPR, communication skills, engaging with customers
Support: Named Contact For Volunteer,
Wheelchair Access/Disabled Access Toilet