Shop Assistant

  • VO98739


Community-owned village store and post office in a rural setting. Customer base of local residents, many elderly, and seasonal visitors, especially walkers.
A vital social hub and resilience centre.
Attractive premises recently refurbished and extended.
Staffed by part-time paid employees and volunteers.

Role Description :
Work at the shop counter, welcoming customers, and providing every assistance to sell them the goods and services they require, offering alternatives and upselling as appropriate.
Work on back-office tasks (stocking shelves, date-checking and rotating products on display, ordering stock, receiving deliveries, checking delivery notes and invoices, preparing customer credit account bills, cleaning).

Organisation aims and objectives

• To maintain for the local community and summer visitors a comprehensive convenience store offering of day to day necessaries, local products and a number of more upmarket lines, as well as newspapers and off-licence alcoholic products; and also Post Office counter services, including basic banking and travel products. • To serve as a social and resilience hub for the local community • To support a sense of community through corporate participation in local events • To provide warm and well-lit upstairs social space for meetings and activities of small groups • To provide employment for a shop manager and 3 PT shop staff • To maintain and expand the volunteer presence in the shop operations, at the counter and/or in the back office.










Min Hours Required: 3-4 hours per week for counter work; for other tasks flexible, depending on individual circumstances. Timings: flexible depending on volunteer’s personal circumstances, but a readiness to do shop-opening shifts (e.g. from 7 am, to sort bulk newspaper deliveries) and also weekend shifts (e.g Saturday pm, or Sunday am) would be welcomed.

Frequency and commitment details

Min Hours Required: 3-4 hours per week for counter work; for other tasks flexible, depending on individual circumstances. Timings: flexible depending on volunteer-s personal circumstances, but a readiness to do shop-opening shifts (e.g. from 7 am, to sort bulk newspaper deliveries) and also weekend shifts (e.g Saturday pm, or Sunday am) would be welcomed.


Experience required: No experience is necessary as training is provided; however particularly welcome would be: experience of work with electronically operated tills (e.g. epos systems); experience of newspaper and magazine distribution.
Travel details: Shop premises in Town Yetholm, Scottish Borders (except for back-office tasks which can be performed remotely)
Minimum age: 18


Taster available: Yes
Training details: After initial induction process, essentially on-the-job with guidance from shop manager and experienced colleagues. Ready-reference training manual available, for sale of alcohol products, formal certification is required but there are simple on-line tutorials. For work on the post office counter the process of accreditation is more elaborate, again largely on-line, and volunteers interested in taking this on would be encouraged.
Support: Named Contact For Volunteer,
Wheelchair Access/Disabled Access Toilet