Oxygen Chamber Operator

  • VO66758


MS Therapy Centre in Dundee is accepting applications from people to join their team of oxygen chamber operators. Our oxygen sessions operate 6 days a week in a non-clinical environment. Volunteers would ideally provide back-up and support to our lead chamber operators. Full training would take place on the premises. As some of our members require assistance in and out of the oxygen chamber, would ask that you are physically fit. Ideally volunteer sessions would last 2-3 hours, once a week. The chamber seats 8 people at one time.

Organisation aims and objectives

MS Therapy Centre (Tayside) is a self-help, self-funding group of people affected by Multiple Sclerosis who are dedicated to improving life with MS. The Centre was established in Peddie Street, Dundee in 1982. People affected by MS and many with other conditions attend the Centre for Oxygen Therapy and other complimentary therapies inclusive of Physiotherapy, Acupuncture, Chiropody and Aromatherapy. We take a great in the fact that members are offered local access to a wide choice of support, allowing them the opportunity to manage their personal symptoms.










Ideally you would be available once a week for 2-3 hours. Training can take place to suit the volunteer and once fully trained you would undertake once evening session (1815hrs – 2000 hrs) along with a second operator

Frequency and commitment details

Ideally you would be available once a week for 2-3 hours. Training can take place to suit the volunteer and once fully trained you would undertake once evening session (1815hrs ? 2000 hrs) along with a second operator


Due to insurance requirements, our operators must be 18 years of age
Experience required: Our volunteer would ideally be caring; sociable and friendly. Enjoy being in a relaxed atmosphere. Be willing to undertake the necessary training to operate the oxygen chamber.
Travel details: Peddie Street is situated between Blackness Road and Hawkhill. It is within walking distance of Dundee city Centre. Peddie Street is serviced by good bus routes on Blackness Road; Hawkhill and Perth Road.
Minimum age: 18


Expenses details: Please note: No expenses are paid for this opportunity
Taster available: Yes
Taster details: We welcome any potential volunteers to come along to the MS Therapy Centre to see what we do.
Training details: Volunteers will, after training work alongside one of our qualified operators or long term volunteer.
Support: Named Contact For Volunteer,
Wheelchair Access/Disabled Access Toilet