St Andrew’s Children’s Society Volunteers

  • VO66031


St Andrew's Children's Society is a voluntary adoption and foster care agency with bases in Aberdeen and Edinburgh - see more about us at:

We have exciting and important volunteer opportunities to assist in our work and make a difference in the communities we support. Current volunteer opportunities include assisting St Andrew's Children's Society promoting awareness through distribution of leaflets/publicity materials.

A great opportunity to help. All volunteers receive excellent support and are greatly appreciated. For further details please contact Velga McDougall, email: / tel.: 01224 878158.

Organisation aims and objectives

St Andrew’s Children’s Society is a voluntary adoption and foster care agency with bases in Aberdeen and Edinburgh. We provide adoption services in the East of Scotland from the English border to the Moray Firth

Frequency and commitment details

Flexible times available to suit volunteers-all help is greatly appreciated.


Experience required: Good communication skills and commitment to the aims of St Andrew's Children's Society.
Travel details: Opportunities across Aberdeen.
Minimum age: 16


Expenses paid: Yes
Expenses details: Any relevant expenses are reimbursed to volunteers e.g.: public transport rates or mileage.
Taster available: Yes
Training details: Good support is provided to all volunteers.
Support: Named Contact For Volunteer,
Wheelchair Access/Disabled Access Toilet