Family Support Group Volunteer - Cupar

  • VO62902


Home-Start East Fife is a Family Support charity offering support and friendship for parents with young children (0-5years). We offer support to families across East Fife through home visiting volunteers and Family Support Groups.
The purpose of the Home-Start East Fife Family Support Groups is bringing together parents and children who may be feeling isolated or lacking in confidence and who may like the opportunity to meet other families. Children have the opportunity to play with their peers and form friendships and are also encouraged to play with parents. We provide activities that are designed to allow families to play and grow together and to build confidence in a relaxed atmosphere.
Volunteers assist the Family Support Group Co-ordinator to provide the activities, snacks and on occasions a bit of respite for parents who are feeling overwhelmed or providing parents space to spend time with an older child whilst a volunteer holds the baby.

Organisation aims and objectives

Home-Start East Fife have been supporting families across East Fife for over 30 years. Every year 20 - 30 trained volunteers support an average of 60 families with around 170 children. Home-Start East Fife has a staff team of four who work with the Board of Trustees to train and support volunteers so they in turn can support families. Support takes two forms: home-visiting and Family Support Groups. Home-visiting volunteers visit families in their own homes once a week to offer friendship and support, whether parents need an extra pair of hands, help to get out, or just some adult company and a listening ear. In this rural area of North East Fife, social isolation is one of the recurring reasons families are referred to us. Families are referred to us by health visitors, social workers, community psychiatric nurses and other local professionals, or parents can refer themselves. In addition to home-visiting volunteers, Home-Start East Fife runs three Family Support Groups, in Auchtermuchty, St Andrews and Cupar. The Family Support Groups are only for families referred to Home-Start East Fife. They provide a safe and stimulating environment for our parents and their pre-school children. Within the groups, our Family Support Group Co-ordinator and volunteers organise activities aimed at improving parenting skills and promoting positive interaction between parent and child and within their peer groups. Family Support Groups also provide a supportive environment and information exchange for parents experiencing difficulties. The children are given healthy snacks, and have access to educational toys and an environment that allows for physical activity.










Tuesday and Thursdays 10am – 1pm All our Family Support Groups are held during school term times only.


Experience required: We ask that all our volunteers have parenting experience, enthusiasm and be able to offer non-judgemental practical and emotional support to families.
Travel details: St Columbas Church Hall, Cupar KY15 5AX
Minimum age: 18


Expenses paid: Yes
Expenses details: Mileage and or public transport costs are reimbursed on a weekly basis for travel to and from Family Support Groups.
Training details: 40 hour (approx.) Preparation Course by way of induction; one day per week for 8weeks. Bi-monthly (approx.) Volunteer group meetings incorporating ongoing training/information sessions. 6 weekly support meetings with Co-ordinator.
Support: Childcare