Hoswick Visitors Centre Volunteer

  • VO59955


Volunteers taking up an opportunity to help in the Visitors Centre have a variety of activities to choose from:
Welcome visitors including visitors from coaches.
Do you have good local knowledge? Share it with visitors and advise on the visitors information resources.
Help in the Café.
Help provide an enjoyable experience for 12,000 visitors coming to the centre annually. Local people mingle with visitors, browsing the visitors' information or the Shetland crafts on sale and the displays of local heritage

Organisation aims and objectives

The Visitor Centre provides a welcoming venue for locals and visitors to the area. The Cafe provides delicious homebakes and light lunches all made to order as well as space to display items collected and preserved. The Centre includes weaving machinery, local items and an interpretation of the Hoswick Whale case.










Direct contact with visitors finishes at the end of September. Other opportunities are ongoing. Visitor Centre is open May to September 10 -5

Frequency and commitment details

Direct contact with visitors finishes at the end of September. Other opportunities are ongoing. Visitor Centre is open May to September 10 -5 Direct contact with visitors finishes at the end of September. Other opportunities are ongoing. Visitor Centre is open May to September 10 -5


Experience required: With a range of tasks from which volunteers can choose to help with, the skills and experience would depend on that choice. Good communication skills.
Travel details: Hoswick Visitors Centre. South Mainland has a good bus service which has a convenient stop a five minute walk from the Visitors Centre.
Minimum age: 14


Taster available: Yes
Training details: Familiarisation with the business and its aims together with training as appropriate for the volunteer's chosen activity. Food Hygiene if appropriate for the volunteer's activity.
Support: Named Contact For Volunteer