
Do you have some time to Spare?
We need your help to make someones Day.

Our Wee Red buses provide Community Transport in East Renfrewshire to help people within our community get to & from events, groups, hospitals etc.

Organisation aims and objectives

To advance citizenship or community development and to provide relief to the people resident in East Renfrewshire and surrounding area, who are in need by reason of age, ill health, disability, financial hardship or other disadvantage by providing and assisting in the provision of not-for-profit community transport services serving the needs of such people, and of other community groups and members.

Frequency and commitment details

To be confirmed - weekdays


Experience required: Reliability, happy to work in one-to-one and group situations, conscientious driver
Travel details: Throughout East Renfrewshire
Minimum age: 50


Expenses paid: Yes
Support: Named Contact For Volunteer