Volunteer Companion

  • VO56174


What two things a recruiter would ask you? Experience and Skills. Did you know that you can volunteer and gain skills without dedicating plenty of time? Think micro! Our Microvolunteering Team seeks for more members to join us in delivery of this revolutionary project!

As a volunteer for this project, you will be a companion to our clients. Our clients are mostly elderly or people with disabilities affected by exclusion. In order to help them, we are providing a network of volunteers who accompany them while going out on public transport, going to pictures or, simply, grabbing a coffee. As simple as it sounds, all our clients need is to have someone with them in order to boost their confidence.
As requests are coming in, we are contacting our microvolunteers with various tasks. Every time when there is a request it is up to you to decide if you are able to assist or not. We do recognise that many individuals are willing to help but they might be occupied with family, work or school.

By joining our team you can help without compromising other commitments as it takes only about 2 hours to complete any task. And it all counts! In exchange we will provide you with fab courses equipping you with transferrable skills which will boost you CV!

For more details regarding this and other opportunities at Shopmobility please contact:
tel.: 01224 254338 / e-mail: shopmobility.aberdeen@gmail.com

Organisation aims and objectives

Provide free loan of manual and powered wheelchairs and scooters to people with disabilities to make the city centre accessible to all.

Frequency and commitment details

Flexible times available to suit volunteers. All help is greatly appreciated.


Experience required: We do not expect any experience or skills. This opportunity is fully inclusive, so your origin, age or language does not matter. As long as you are enthusiastic, with open mind and warm personality you are welcome to join our team.
Travel details: Your main base will be our office in Union Square Shopping Centre.
Minimum age: 16


Expenses paid: Yes
Expenses details: We will reimburse your travel and other expenses related to the project.
Taster available: Yes
Training details: SCOTT Volunteers will receive good support, induction and training in aspects such as disability awareness, British Sign language, waste reduction, first aid, and in how to effectively guide someone with sight impairment.
Support: Named Contact For Volunteer,
Wheelchair Access/Disabled Access Toilet