Home-visiting Befriender

  • VO38366


Make a difference to a local family.

Home-Start volunteers work alongside families to give compassionate and confidential support, tailored to each family’s needs.

Our volunteers need to have parenting experience and are often parents themselves. Home-visiting volunteers offer practical and emotional support and encourage parents’ strengths and emotional wellbeing. They support families in the home and in the community for one day a week for 2 hours.

Organisation aims and objectives

Home-Start Dundee is a local charity supporting families with at least one child under the age of 5, who are struggling with the challenges of everyday life. We support families from all backgrounds who are going through challenging times. We support parents who are experiencing isolation, poor mental or physical health, bereavement and parenting difficulties.










Volunteers are required to commit to 2-3 hours a week.


Volunteers require to be a parent or have parenting experience in order to support families.
Experience required: Volunteers are required to have parenting experience and can be all ages (over 18) and from all backgrounds. No qualifications are necessary - just listening skills, understanding, have discretion and be able to make a commitment to the families. We welcome a variety of skills and interests. Volunteers should have a non-judgmental attitude and understand about the pressures of bringing up a family.
Travel details: Home-Start is based at 30 Whitehall St, Dundee. Volunteers visit families in the family home.
Minimum age: 18


Expenses paid: Yes
Expenses details: We cover out of pocket expenses
Training details: Preparation course including child development, values and attitudes, safeguarding etc. A range of face to face, online training and ongoing training is provided.
Support: Named Contact For Volunteer