Health Practice Learning Environment Volunteer

  • VO31598


Volunteers assist with the education and training of health care students . Helping students develop confidence in aspects such as:

-volunteers playing the part of a service user or family member to help students in their communication and interview skills.
-non-invasive clinical procedures such as students taking volunteers blood pressure and temperature.

This helps in the training of Nursing & Midwifery, Physiotherapy, OT, Radiography, Dietetic, Pharmacy and Social Work students.
For further details please contact tel: 01224 262905 /Email:

Organisation aims and objectives

Aberdeens major University. The RGU Faculty of Health and Social Care provide a full range of courses across the health care spectrum.

Frequency and commitment details



Experience required: Reliability.
Travel details: Garthdee and Schoolhill RGU campuses in Aberdeen City (all on bus routes)
Minimum age: 16


Expenses paid: Yes
Expenses details: -All travel expenses re-imbursed (to a maximum of £15) -A free pass to the swimming pool or aqua aerobics, yoga or tai chi class at the prestigious RGU Sports Centre is provided every time you attend.
Training details: Training sessions are provided. Is a good way to make new friends and meet other volunteers.
Support: Named Contact For Volunteer,
Wheelchair Access/Disabled Access Toilet