Community Food Growing

  • VO30880


Working on a croft which is developing a business to provide veg boxes for the local community. The opportunity offers the chance to gain experience and knowledge of organic vegetable production including preparing land, raising seedlings, potting on and harvest. Organic methods are used for soil fertility, pest and disease prevention and weed control. Minimal fossil fuel use is also important and hand tools and animals are used to clear land for production. Other croft work such as fencing, working with sheep, pigs, hens or selling produce to the local community is also available. Work is varied but can be physically demanding and sometimes take place in wet, windy or cold weather. Oilskins, gloves and some sizes of rubber boots can be provided.

Organisation aims and objectives

Transition Turriefield's aim is to reduce the dependence of the local community on imported produce. The organisation provides the community with fresh, locally grown produce; encourages and supports indiviuals to grow their own and raises individual and community awareness of environmental and health issues arising from food production and consumption. TT was set up to: Reduce the dependence of the local community on imported produce... Reducing local carbon footprints and increasing personal health benefits by: - Growing fresh produce - Supporting folks to grow their own - Involoving community in growing - developing practice that avoids fossile fuel use - Raise awareness of issues associated with food - production and consumption










Most volunteering takes place on alternate Saturday mornings but other times can be negotiated if preferred.

Frequency and commitment details

Most volunteering takes place on alternate Saturday mornings but other times can be negotiated if preferred.


Work is physically demanding.
Experience required: Max 3 volunteers. Interest in horticulture and being outside.
Travel details: Sandness. Buses from Lerwick to Walls to Sandness. Can pick up and take back to Walls if required.
Minimum age: 16


Expenses details: Public transport to and from site. Receipts/tickets required.
Taster available: Yes
Support: Named Contact For Volunteer