
  • VO29422


We are a small, friendly local charity helping people living with cancer in Bonnybridge and Denny by providing free transport to hospital and free therapies in their own home.
As a fundraiser you can help to plan or run events which raise money to support what we do and also provide valuable publicity of the services we offer. It's a great chance to make a real difference to local people in your community. We have regular meetings and social events where you can meet other volunteers.

We are looking for fundraisers who would be part of a friendly team who meet at each others houses and organise about 3 events per year. Past events have included race nights, quiz nights and a coffee morning. Fundraisers would help plan the events and/or be there to help on the day.

Anyone is welcome to join us and give us whatever time they have. It is good fun and very rewarding. Your new ideas, energy and enthusiasm can make a real difference to cancer sufferers. Volunteering need not interfere with your other commitments, will not leave you out of pocket and will not affect any benefits you receive.

Organisation aims and objectives

Anybody with cancer who is registered at either Bonnybridge, Banknock, Denny Cross, or Carronbank Health Centre can use our drivers to take them to and from hospital appointments and treatment sessions for cancer. The service is free, people are collected from their homes, taken straight to the hospital and brought straight home. If they wish a friend or relative can go with them. We have a wheelchair for the frail. On receiving their appointment people contact their doctor’s reception and leave their name and phone number. Once a day a coordinator contacts the surgeries and collects everyones' details. They phone the patients, and find out the appointment times and any special requirements. Next the coordinator finds a driver for each journey, and contacts the patient with the driver’s name and phone number (for use in emergencies). Shortly before the appointment the driver contacts the patient and arranges with them the time they need to be picked up. This means that people know exactly who is taking them to hospital and when they need to be ready. On the day the driver waits at the hospital and when the appointment is over takes the person straight home. We offer complementary therapies, hairdressing, nail cutting and manicures.










Minimum commitment 6 months . No set hours.

Frequency and commitment details

Minimum commitment 6 months . No set hours.


Experience required: You need to be enthusiastic about what we do and enjoy the company of other people. You need to be reliable and trustworthy. No experience is needed and you can do the parts of the role you wish to.
Travel details: In Bonnybridge and Denny. Fundraising meetings are usually in peoples' homes. Events take place in the local area. If you don't have a car there is usually someone who can give a lift if one is needed.
Minimum age: 16


Expenses paid: Yes
Expenses details: Travel expenses are reimbursed. 50p per mile.
Training details: No specific training is required for the role but volunteers will be inducted and informed about the organisation and the role. Support will be provided and experienced members of the team are on hand.
Support: Wheelchair Access/Disabled Access Toilet,
Named Contact For Volunteer