Shopping Friend

  • VO83617


Food Train Connects aims to match two groups of people.
• Older people (aged 65+) throughout Scotland requiring a little bit of a helping hand to continue living comfortably and contentedly at home; and
• Volunteers who are willing to provide that regular support to help improve the quality of life of someone living nearby.

Food Train Connects can provide vital shopping provision for anyone over 65. The customer will be matched up with a volunteer shopper in their area who will then carry out weekly shopping trips for the customer.

Food Train Connects exists to provide support for older people by making these vital connections.

Organisation aims and objectives

To relieve the poverty of disabled, infirm and housebound persons and other persons in necessitous circumstances


Experience required: Friendly, chatty nature and common sense required.
Travel details: Volunteer can state area they are willing to cover.
Minimum age: 16


Expenses paid: Yes
Expenses details: Mileage to maximum of 10 miles for each shopping trip at a rate of 45p per mile.
Support: Named Contact For Volunteer