Community Connectors

  • VO83516


The Community Connectors service will operate throughout the Scottish Borders to provide a service to people who have a Personal Alarm but do not have local friends or family who can respond to them if they need assistance at home.

The service relies on volunteers from the local community to attend alarm calls through an informal relationship with the alarm client.
When an alarm call in made it is received by trained Operators in the Alarm Receiving Centre (ARC).
Wherever possible the Operators try to resolve the call by providing an appropriate telephone based response.
Where it is not possible to resolve the call over the phone, they will contact Community Connector volunteers to check on and reassure the caller by attending to them at home.
Sometimes, alarms may be set off by accident. In this case the volunteer will be on hand to provide reassurance and to reset the alarm.

Volunteers are required from local communities across the Scottish Borders. Volunteers will be required to:

• attend alarm calls, providing reassurance to service users
• Provide any help as necessary where able to safely do so
• report back to necessary professionals (e.g. Alarm receiving Centre or emergency services)

Organisation aims and objectives

Ability Borders was established to be the “Go to” organisation for people living with a physical disability or long term condition, their families and carers and to signpost to other areas of support wherever possible. Ability Borders is a partner with the local authority, NHS and the wider third sector on ensuring that the Physical disability strategy implementation meets the ambitions and outcomes and fully includes members in all the activities as we are a user led organisation. Community Connectors has been established to help those who are eligible for a care alarm but who do not have the signatories required, we will support the individual and match with our volunteers. Our other key aim is to help those who are isolated either through Covid-19 or any reason and again we want to help address isolation by utilising a number of 'community connectors' projects i.e. our knitting for new born babies, our Digital Boost and our connect and chat.


No services will be undertaken without agreement from all parties involved.
Experience required: Due to the nature of the opportunity we expect the volunteer: to have excellent communication and interpersonal skills to deal with a diverse range of people; an empathy with other volunteers and clients to understand ; capacity or willingness to inspire and motivate others with a flexible and non-judgemental approach to people. At all times volunteers will be required to remain confidential. Dependability, honesty, and time management skills are expected.
Travel details: Scottish Borders wide.
Minimum age: 18


Taster available: Yes
Training details: Training and support will be tailored to the needs of the volunteer and the service user.
Support: Named Contact For Volunteer