Group Treasurer

  • VO80630
  • Home-based volunteering


As Treasurer, you are a key member of your local fundraising group. You will need to record income and expenditure of the group, bank funds regularly and keep the members up to date with fundraising income totals. This includes:
• Maintaining accurate records of all income and expenditure by the Group.
• To assign correct Guide Dogs banking codes to all donations.
• To bank all funds donated to Guide Dogs promptly.
• To complete and issue receipts to donors.
• Attend Group meetings and advise members current levels of income and expenditure
• Monitor levels of expenditure, ensuring prompt claims for reimbursement of the Float Account.
• Ensure that the Float Account does not become overdrawn.
• Apply for soft credits and gift aid via your local Mobility Team.
• Maintaining records of where Guide Dogs Counter Top Boxes and life sized dogs are placed locally - working with your Group’s Collecting Box Co-Ordinator(s) and submitting the list by December 31st of each year to the Community Fundraiser
• To respond to requests made by Guide Dogs Finance department.
• Keeping Group fiscal records for 6 years in accordance with HMRC guidelines and to ensure that all Group records are available for the Community Fundraiser, Group members or any other independent examiner as requested by Guide Dogs.

Organisation aims and objectives

Our ambition is a future where every person with sight loss has the confidence and support they need to live their lives to the full.











Travel details: Within local area
Minimum age: 18


Expenses paid: Yes
Expenses details: All pre-agreed out of pocket expenses will be reimbursed
Training details: Our volunteers receive training relevant to their role and they can request further training to help them feel more settled in the role.