Black and Minority Ethnic Peer Support Volunteer / Befriender

  • VO76426


BAME Peer Connecting Midlothian is constantly recruiting new volunteers. Volunteers are needed for the roles of befrienders, peer support volunteers and peer support groups facilitators. In their roles volunteers support people on their recovery journey to improve or manage their mental health and wellbeing or reduce isolation.
We are looking for volunteers to support people as befrienders and or peer support. Volunteers choose to become a peer support or befriender for a variety of reasons, for example, because of their own experiences of mental health difficulties, or to gain experience to change career.
Midlothian BAME Peer Connecting Service offers one-to-one and group support for people over 18 living in Midlothian who are looking to improve or manage their mental health and wellbeing. We aim to support people on their recovery journey through:
· Building on self-confidence and self esteem
· Increasing social skills
· Increasing community connections
· Increasing feelings of hope, belief and trust
What do volunteers do?
Common aspects within most matches and groups:
· Volunteers support the person to recover a sense of who they are and discover / rediscover their potential, strengths, qualities, interests.
· Volunteers work with the person as a whole person, focussing on their talents, skills, and assets rather than focussing on their problems and needs.
· Volunteers encourage the person they are matched with to set goals which you will work towards during the time you are matched together.
· Volunteers encourage the person they are matched with to step outside their comfort zones, whilst providing support and encouragement
· Volunteers support groups participants in sharing their experiences, supporting each other, and learning new coping strategies from each other.
Values Peer Connecting Midlothian volunteers hold:
· A belief that people can and do recover from mental health difficulties
· Positive outlook
· Empathy
· Understanding
· Good listener
· Respecting others as being of equal worth
· Appreciation of differences
· Reliability
· Open to learning

Organisation aims and objectives

Everyone has the right to live a full and satisfying life. We can provide the tools, information and support to help you to cope with life's challenges and live the life you want to live.










Minimum 1 hour per week for one to one befriending/peer support Minimum 2 hours per week for peer support groups facilitators

Frequency and commitment details

Minimum 1 hour per week for one to one befriending/peer support Minimum 2 hours per week for peer support groups facilitators Minimum 1 hour per week for one to one befriending/peer support Minimum 2 hours per week for peer support groups facilitators


Experience required: No experience required but understanding of mental health would be desirable. If you are from minority ethnic yourself, and speak other languages – it is a bonus but not mandatory.
Travel details: Volunteers and their matches choose together where they want to meet. One to one meet-ups take place in public places in community (local café, library, community centre, park etc.), online or over the phone. Group sessions take place in our community venues across Midlothian, or online.
Minimum age: 18


Expenses paid: Yes
Expenses details: We pay public transport rates and reimburse volunteers monthly
Taster available: Yes
Training details: Volunteers are expected to complete the induction training to learn basic tools needed as a befriending volunteer. Peer volunteers are expected to complete the Peer Support Volunteer training. We support volunteers’ personal development and offer additional roles they may wish to undertake. Volunteers are supported and supervised by Support and Development Worker.
Support: Named Contact For Volunteer,
Wheelchair Access/Disabled Access Toilet