
You can help change someone’s life through volunteering. We are looking for volunteer buddies to be matched with potential volunteers who need some support to volunteer because of a disability, mental health issue or other barrier. Depending on the needs of the volunteer you will possibly accompany the volunteer to meet the organisation, volunteer alongside them and continue to support them through meetings, phone calls, texts, emails etc. Full training and support will be provided.

Organisation aims and objectives

The Health and Wellbeing Team at Volunteer Edinburgh believes that volunteering can play an important role in an individual’s recovery and that our clients have an important contribution to make. We work with individuals who have barriers to accessing and sustaining volunteering eg those with a learning or physical disability; a mental health issue; reformed offenders; people recovering from alcohol or drug addictions. We aim to make volunteering more inclusive across Edinburgh by identifying appropriate opportunities and supporting them to overcome barriers. We work directly with individuals, their support workers and volunteer managers in volunteer involving organisations.










1-3 hours per week.


Experience required: Ability to understand, empathise and listen. Ability to communicate with volunteer, volunteer manager, referrer. A willingness to learn. Flexibility. Ability to communicate face to face, by email, text etc.
Travel details: Project is based at Volunteer Edinburgh, 222 Leith Walk. Volunteers will meet at a mutually agreed location and at the client’s volunteering.
Minimum age: 16


Expenses paid: Yes
Expenses details: We will cover travel expenses and expenses to cover for example coffee when a buddy / volunteer have met up.
Training details: Training takes place at Volunteer Edinburgh, 222 Leith Walk, EH6 5EQ. Matching should take place soon after.