Website Development Volunteers

  • VO71961


Help build and update our website and other community projects sites. You will have a lot of freedom as long as our centre has a fresh, clean and content filled website. We currently use pre-build website for all our website, so there is no need to be a professional web developer. Everyone with a positive attitude and a will for doing something nice for the community is welcome.

This is a great opportunity to develop your IT skills and gain experience in project management.

All volunteers are greatly appreciated and provided with excellent support. Please contact us to find out how you can help, join our fantastic team of volunteers and make a real difference in the community: Email: / Tel: 01224 325191 / Website:

Organisation aims and objectives

Inchgarth is the biggest community centre in Aberdeen providing a great programme of activities for the community with the fantastic help of volunteers. Inchgarth has over 170 sessions of activity per week serving every age group and section of the community. Inchgarth is a centre of excellence which prides itself not only on the huge diverse programme and range of services but on the fact that our centre helps those in our community and city who truly need our help, facilities and opportunities. Inchgarth community centre exists to provide social, recreational, leisure, educational and community facilities/ opportunities for all age groups. We are managed by a voluntary committee and at the core of our service is to develop volunteering opportunities that enrich the lives of the volunteer and those attending the activities. Inchgarth Community Centre is also honoured to be a recipient of the Queens Award for Voluntary Service in recognition of Inchgarths dedication to the community and volunteering. RUN BY THE PEOPLE, FOR THE PEOPLE.

Frequency and commitment details

Flexible times available. All help is greatly appreciated.


Experience required: Basic IT skills, well organised, positive attitude.
Travel details: Inchgarth Community Centre, Aboyne Place, Garthdee, Aberdeen, AB10 7DR


Taster available: Yes
Training details: Excellent support and relevant training provided to all volunteers. Includes induction and there is always someone to help.
Support: Named Contact For Volunteer,
Wheelchair Access/Disabled Access Toilet