
To give talks and presentations about the work of Guide Dogs within a designated area, in line with the guidelines received at speaker training courses.

What does the role involve?
• Giving talks when requested to local organisations and groups within a 15 mile radius of your home
• Keeping up to date with Guide Dogs news and key messages
• Talks should be natural and enthusiastic, tailored to the audience and following guidelines on current key messages
• Passing any donations given for talks to the Mobility Team as per guidelines
• Attending cheque presentations when requested by the local Mobility Team
• Informing your Mobility Team Support Worker of any requests to do talks using the speaker cards supplied
• Encouraging local organisations and groups to volunteer or fundraise on behalf of Guide Dogs

What will I get out of it?
• Meet a variety of local groups and people
• Enjoy giving information about Guide Dogs’ aims which enable blind and partially-sighted people to enjoy the same freedom of movement as everyone else

Organisation aims and objectives

The objects for which the Association is established are to promote the Health, Equality and Independence of Blind & partially sighted people by: 1) Promoting guide dogs for the Blind & partially sighted people. 2) Training & educating Blind & partially sighted people in the use of Guide Dogs. 3) The relief, prevention & cure of vision impairment. 4) Providing such services, facilities and activities for the benefit of Blind & partially sighted people as the Association from time to time deems fit.










Opportunity takes place in term term and is flexible

Frequency and commitment details

Opportunity takes place in term term and is flexible


Experience required: Good communication skills, Good interpersonal skills, Able to give clear information that will be remembered, Able to adapt presentation to your audience
Travel details: Location: At local groups, this may include community groups, schools or businesses
Minimum age: 18


Expenses paid: Yes
Expenses details: Travel costs as agreed with manager in advance.
Taster details: Not available
Training details: Speaker training via group session and line management support from the community fundraiser
Support: Named Contact For Volunteer