
Action for Children Aberdeen Priority Families - Be rewarded and have new experiences, volunteer with us as a Befriender
With the Aberdeen Priority Families service befrienders engage with children/young people, sharing their experiences as well as trying new activities and spending quality time together. Matched with a child/young person in Aberdeen City you will develop a 1:1 relationship providing regular positive support to their social and emotional development on a fortnightly basis for a few hours at a time. The benefit of the befriending service positively affects the individual child/young person, their family life, relationships with their friends and the life of the befriender.

*What you can expect:
-To make a positive difference to the life of a child/young person

  • Full Training
  • Regular support
  • Reasonable out of pocket expenses reimbursed
  • Be able to easily fit mentoring in around your other commitments

*What we can offer:
-Valuable experience of working with children and families, learning about how best to support children/ young people living in difficult situations, whilst being fully supported in their practice
-Development of personal skills such as communication, motivation and improved confidence

  • The chance to meet like-minded new people
  • A PVG Disclosure (provided by us) is necessary for this role

A fantastic opportunity to make a real difference. All volunteer help is greatly appreciated. For more details please contact us at Email or call 07764788430.

Organisation aims and objectives

•Action for Children supports and speaks out for the country’s most vulnerable and neglected children and young people for as long as it takes to transform their lives. We do this not only in our day to day caring work, but also in campaigning for child welfare reform and we are a strong voice in Government for children and young people. •In Scotland we work directly with over 5,000 children, young people, parents and carers and run 75 services across the country. We provide a wide range of children’s services including: •Family Centres •Respite Centres for children with disabilities •Emergency Accommodation for young homeless people •Criminal Justice Projects •Innovative Fostering projects •Roots of Empathy– In every area of Scotland. •A variety of services that meet the specific needs of the local community we are in. You can visit our project website:- to read all about our work in each service.


Experience required: Commitment to aims and values of Action for Children and reliable.
Travel details: Opportunities available across Aberdeen City.
Minimum age: 16


Expenses paid: Yes
Expenses details: Reasonable out of pocket expenses are reimbursed.
Taster available: Yes
Training details: Excellent support and full training is provided to all volunteers. Also development of personal skills such as communication, motivation and improved confidence.
Support: Named Contact For Volunteer,
Wheelchair Access/Disabled Access Toilet