Mental Health Befriender

  • VO97720


This role is for individuals who will visit people in the community and support positive mental health outcomes. This could be going for a coffee or simply listening for an hour as to how someone’s week has been. All of the individuals referred to our service have been identified by health and social care professionals as having mental health problems and have expressed a significant issue with loneliness and isolation. Furthermore, all have cited being more sociable as their primary aim.

Organisation aims and objectives

Rowan Alba is a charity set up to work with people who are at risk of becoming homeless. We believe that all individuals have the right to be treated with dignity and respect, and offer support in a person centred way, with the individual actively involved in planning their care. We work with older homeless men and women in our supported accommodation and individuals in the community who are having difficulty sustaining their current accommodation. Many of our service users would benefit from more social contact and just having someone to talk to could make a big difference to them.










Flexible, two hours per week

Frequency and commitment details

Flexible, two hours per week


Experience required: Good listening skills, interested in people, non-judgmental, curiosity around addiction and mental health.
Minimum age: 18


Expenses paid: Yes
Expenses details: Travel expenses and refreshments from visits are reimbursed monthly.
Training details: An induction will take place over Zoom or in person which goes through basic guidelines, policies and do's and don'ts with other new recruits. We also provide monthly Group Support & Supervisions, double visits with a staff member and one to one Support & Check Ins.
Support: Named Contact For Volunteer,
Wheelchair Access/Disabled Access Toilet