Robert Burns Birthplace Museum Engagement Volunteers

  • VO97586


Try new things and decide on the career for you. We offer a wide range of volunteering opportunities which are great for learning about the work of a particular location or role. At the Trust, there’s a role for everyone. Volunteering doesn’t have to be a slog – we’ve got a wide range of projects across Scotland that are suited to all ages.

This is a very exciting time. Many local people visit the property regularly for a variety of reasons, it is also a popular stop-off point for a walk, food and beverages or to enjoy the playpark.

The property runs a number of successful events throughout the year and we would like to know more about who comes to those events, is it mainly local people or do people come from more further afield?

We would also like to know what draws them to the Robert Burns Birthplace Museum, what is special about it and what else would help the property build and maintain stronger community relationships or perhaps we need to offer different types of events that would appeal to visitors.

To find this information out we need to ask people their views and so we are seeking to recruit a small team of Engagement volunteers to help us carry out research at each event who we will support and train to ask those important questions.

What’s included in the role?
The main part of this role will have you positioned in the Burns Museum when events are happening, interacting with visitors, etc and asking a series of set questions to help the Trust gather vital information about the community needs, aspirations about days experience.

Why should I volunteer in this role?
Volunteering is a wonderful opportunity to meet lots of different people and make new friends.

Most of our volunteer roles are flexible and can be tailored to meet your needs. Our volunteer manager will be happy to discuss any help that you might need to volunteer when you first meet up.