Relief Delivery Driver/Helper

  • VO97184


Food Train is a registered charity and voluntary organisation which supports and assists older people in the community. The grocery shopping and delivery service is one of the vital services we offer in Dumfries. We are looking for dedicated volunteers to assist with the delivery of the groceries. We currently deliver food shopping on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays and would require volunteers to be available from 9.30am until around 3pm depending on the size of the delivery run. A relief driver or helper could be called on short notice to ask if they are available to go out on a delivery run. Drivers will be expected to take responsibility for the daily checking and minor maintenance of the vehicle. They will need to complete a log sheet with mileages, check for damage, check air in tyres, fill with fuel and top up oil and water levels when required. They will also be in charge of loading the vehicle and should aim to follow a fuel-efficient route at all times. The driver will also be expected to help carry shopping boxes into the customer’s house with the helper. The delivery helper assists the driver in loading the van and carrying the shopping into the customer’s house, but has a lead role with the customer interface. Helpers are responsible for collecting the cost of the shopping and the Food Train delivery charge from the customers along with completing relevant paperwork. The driver and helper should stay together at all times in the customer’s house and drivers are expected to witness all cash handling carried out by the helper. Helpers should be good at handling money and the basic arithmetic of addition (shopping plus delivery charge) and calculating change due. Both Drivers and Helpers should have a tolerant nature and have empathy and understanding of the challenges facing older people living alone.

Organisation aims and objectives

Our aim is to support older people to live independently at home. Our preventative services address the difficulty older people face getting their weekly grocery shopping, doing jobs around the house and the growing isolation that comes with failing health. We also aim to provide a wide range of supported volunteering opportunities for people of all ages and ability and these include shopper, driver, delivery assistant and office assistant.










on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays and would require volunteers to be available from 9.30am until around 3pm depending on the size of the delivery run.

Frequency and commitment details

on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays and would require volunteers to be available from 9.30am until around 3pm depending on the size of the delivery run.


Age 16 minimum for delivery helper
Experience required: Volunteer must be relatively active and able to lift boxes, we venture to lots of different areas and homes where there may be multiple flights of stairs to climb which can be quite demanding whilst carrying heavy boxes.
Minimum age: 25


Expenses paid: Yes
Training details: Volunteer will be given appropriate training suitable for their role and thereafter will receive annual refreshment training.