As independent charities, each Sea Cadet unit has trustees to oversee the management and legal undertakings of the unit. This role will undertake “regulated activity” and will therefore require an enhanced disclosure with barring check to be repeated at no less than three yearly intervals.
The primary purpose of the chairperson is to maintain, develop and chair an effective unit management team (UMT) that supports the unit and meets the aims of the Sea Cadet experience.
The secondary purposes of the unit chairperson are:
· To ensure that all the unit’s activities and matters are conducted legally and comply with charity regulations and Marine Society and Sea Cadets (MSSC) policy and procedures.
· To ensure the general welfare, safety and protection of volunteers and cadets when they are involved in unit matters or activities.
· Encouraging cadet forum participation and where appropriate a cadet presence at UMT meetings and unit Annual General Meetings.
· In conjunction with the UMT, to provide a properly maintained, serviced, safe and secure unit premises and property, that is either loaned or owned by the unit.
· In conjunction with the UMT and advised by the CO/OiC to provide where possible the resources necessary for efficient and successful training in the unit.
· To ensure, in consultation with the DO and AO that the unit has a suitable and effective CO/OiC and trained volunteers to meet unit needs.
· To identify unit priorities and potential issues and in conjunction with the UMT develop and maintain plans to address those issues.
Dundee Sea Cadets is a unique organisation that aims to inspire the next generation to realise their potential and seize a better future through nautical adventure, based on the customs, values and traditions of the Royal Navy. Our Cadet Forces Adult Volunteers (CFAVs) work, both directly with young people and behind the scenes, to help make a positive difference to teenagers who are often struggling in today’s world and their communities.
2 hours per week on average. This could be a few hours weekly, or one day per month.
Experience required: Previous experience in committee work is required as you will be leading a committee of around 8
trustees. Experience in a youth work environment would also be beneficial, but not required.
Travel details: Dundee Sea Cadet Training Centre, DD1 3LG
Minimum age: 18
Expenses paid: Yes
Expenses details: You would need to make your own way to and from the unit, but if you need to travel elsewhere (e.g., for training or meetings), we provide transport. This can be either through use of a unit vehicle, reimbursement of public transport, or mileage costs.
Taster available: Yes
Taster details: You are welcome to attend an evening and shadow a current volunteer to understand what happens, and how we manage ourselves. You must to be supervised at all times during your visit due to our child protection policies.
Training details: As an online introduction to our organisation, you will complete short modules on information safety, health and safety and child protection. We will then buddy you with an experienced volunteer until you feel comfortable in the role. The unit management team meet monthly and this is an opportunity to take part in ongoing training as needed / desired.
Named Contact For Volunteer