Caseworker - Ayrshire Branch

  • VO96243


Caseworkers visit clients to work out what type of help they need. Next, they find the right sources of support and arrange for clients to access it. This might be funds for special equipment for someone with a disability, adaptions to a property so an older client can remain at home or funds for a rental deposit. Caseworkers also sign-post clients onto specialist local services for advice on benefits, housing, mental health, debt, finding work etc.

The essential part of the role is interacting with clients, so you may be visiting clients or doing this virtually. As part of your local branch you might have access to an office, but many volunteers are based at home.

What does this role involve?

• Contacting clients and arranging to meet them at a mutually convenient time either face-to-face or remotely

• Liaising with clients and completing a form to assess their circumstances

• Sign-posting clients onto local services providing specialist advice

• Applying on the client’s behalf to military and non-military sources of charitable funding

• Arranging for the purchase of goods and services

• Keeping in touch with the client so they know how their case is progressing

• Keeping in touch with your branch so they know your availability

• Keeping up to date with training and SSAFA news so that you are best able to support clients

• Being a positive ambassador for SSAFA remembering that anyone you meet could be a potential client, volunteer or fundraiser

• Volunteering within the standards and values of SSAFA including observing our policies such as the

Volunteering policy and data protection policy (these will be covered in your training and local induction.)

What can you gain from this volunteering role?

• Support people in your community with a military background

• Use your skills, knowledge and life experience to benefit others

• Support and friendship from your local SSAFA branch and the wider SSAFA community

• Experience, training and skills that you can highlight on your CV and in job interviews

• Better physical and mental health – studies show that volunteers live longer and experience lower levels of stress and depression!

Minimum Age: 18

Is a criminal record check required? Yes

Organisation aims and objectives

SSAFA, the Armed Forces charity is a trusted source of support for serving personnel, veterans and their families in their time of need. Our teams of trained volunteers and employees provide practical, emotional and financial assistance to the Armed Forces community enabling them to thrive.

Frequency and commitment details

Flexible timings with a weekly or monthly commitment from approx 4 hours


Experience required: What skills or experience do you need? • Good listening and communication skills • Ability to be respectful and non-judgemental with clients, their family, other agencies and SSAFA colleagues • Ability to send and receive emails using Office365 and SSAFA email address • Ability to make enquires on behalf of clients by phone, email, letter or by filling in forms • Willingness to use our on-line case management system - training given.
Travel details: Home based with face to face visits usually in peoples homes. Guidance on safety will be provided.
Minimum age: 18


Expenses paid: Yes
Expenses details: You will be reimbursed for travel and any other actual out of pocket expenses as agreed by the branch and you will submit a claim along with receipts.
Taster details: You will be mentored prior to undertaking the role with an experienced case worker
Training details: What training and support will you receive? • Mandatory training for Safeguarding and Data Protection along with an online or face to face Caseworker training course for new caseworkers. Your trainer will guide your group of like-minded volunteers through everything you need to know to get started as a SSAFA caseworker. This training is over 3 days or can be accessed online to suit your availability with some evening webinars. You will also complete a case study • Some short on-line training modules to complete at home, so you are up to date on how to keep clients, their families and personal information safe • SSAFA branches have regular opportunities to update your training • Access to a range of e-learning courses • Local induction including who supports caseworkers in your branch and how to contact them • Most branches have regular gatherings for caseworkers to meet and share ideas • There is a Regional Operations Support Manager for each region and the Welfare Team and Volunteering Engagement Team to support you through your onboarding • Reimbursement of out-of-pocket expenses