Family Friend (Uist)

  • VO95548


If you have a heart for getting alongside families who are struggling within your community, then becoming a Family Friend with Safe Families may be just the opportunity you have been looking for. Being a Family Friend with Safe Families is a brilliant way to get to know families in your community who need a bit of extra support and encouragement. Safe Families is a Christian charity and seeks to provide early intervention to the lives of struggling families in order to reduce any statutory service input. We provide full training and support for all of our volunteers and give them the chance to get alongside local people, helping them to strengthen their family life by befriending them, supporting them to be less isolated and to perhaps help them through a time of crisis. Volunteering opportunities can be flexible around the needs of the family and the volunteer so that they suit both parties. Being a family friend involves spending time with a child and/or a parent on a regular basis, having fun and giving support.

Organisation aims and objectives

No one should feel alone. Safe Families exists to create relationship and connection because we believe everyone deserves to belong. At Safe Families, our fully trained volunteers come alongside a family that is struggling, offering them hope, love and friendship by being a Family Friend, a Host Family, a Connect Friend or a Resource Friend.











Experience required: We provide full training for our volunteers. As long as you have a heart for offering hope and support to local families, that is the key attribute we are looking for.
Minimum age: 18