Board Members

  • VO95297


Carers Link is supported by a dedicated team of Volunteers. Whether personally providing support to carers or helping in the office, we couldn't do what we do without them.
The main responsibility is governance: to ensure we run efficiently and properly, that our funds are spent properly, to monitor the progress of the work of the organisation and to make sure that as the organisation grows, it continues to meet the needs of Carers in East Dunbartonshire.

We are keen to hear from anyone who has personal caring experience, either now or in the past. However, although you do not need any formal experience to become a Board Member, you should be comfortable with reading reports.

Organisation aims and objectives

Carers Link is the local organisation dedicated to carers and we provide a range of services for people who live or care within the East Dunbartonshire area. Our Vision: Carers want to see the person they care for have the best possible quality of life. Carers Link wants to see the Carers of East Dunbartonshire also have the best possible quality of life, encompassing help and support for your caring role, and the opportunity to pursue your own needs, interests or work. Carers Link wants to see that the Carers of East Dunbartonshire are both informed and involved and that your experience as a Carer is respected and valued.


Experience required: Understanding reporting and a background in one of the following: Business skills, HR/management, Voluntary/health or social work sectors, legal or financial skills, fundraising strategic planning and digital strategy
Travel details: Mostly in our office at Milngavie Enterprise Centre, Milngavie G62 8PH and meetings will also be held via Zoom. Board Meetings are currently held five times a year so roughly every 2-3 months. There are also occasional subgroup meetings in-between and additional discussion/updates are done throughout the year by email. Currently Board Meetings are held on a Thursday morning between 9.30 am-12.30 pm and dates for the year are set in advance.
Minimum age: 18


Expenses paid: Yes
Training details: Board training is done on a 1:1 basis. Informal day-to-day support and supervision can happen during the working day or by arrangement.