Volunteer Sports/Physical Activity Coach - Lasswade High School

  • VO93477


Supporting the delivery of sports/physical activity within a school/other venue. Sessions are based on the experience of the volunteer and the needs of the young people to encourage and promote a healthy life.
Volunteers will work with an Active Schools Coordinator to support suitable activities within the current programme, offer encouragement to young people in pursuit of becoming more active, build the confidence of young people and promote the aims and objectives of Active Schools.
Depending on experience, volunteers will be asked to support pre planned physical activity sessions whilst working in collaboration with the Active Schools Coordinator and other lead coaches. Volunteers can gain experience in developing responsibility for the organisation and delivery of physical activity sessions which target primary/secondary aged pupils.
In accordance to current SportScotland guidelines, all volunteers are required to complete COVID Officer training (online module). All sessions delivered by Active Schools will have a designated COVID officer and although not essential, can be assigned to the volunteer role. However, this will be subject to volunteer preference and comfortability.
*Please note, government restrictions may impact the number of weeks whereby the Active Schools programme is delivered.
Our range of opportunities remain open to volunteers with little or no experience. All candidates will require reference and disclosure checks.

Organisation aims and objectives

Increase participation in physical activity in 5-18 year olds. Develop the range of opportunities for young people in physical activity










Sessions currently take place before school, during school lunchtimes or after school. Specific days and number of weeks will be discussed in advance of starting. Length of commitment can vary and would be discussed in advance depending on a number of factors, but generally they would be on a school termly basis.


Experience required: Desirable but not essential are an interest in sport, good communication skills, the ability to motivate, take on responsibility, good organisation, ability to work individually or within a group and experience working with young people.
Minimum age: 16


Expenses paid: Yes
Expenses details: Active Schools will provide travel expenses from an address in Midlothian to a volunteer location in accordance with the council business travel policy.
Training details: Newly recruited volunteers will work closely with an Active Schools Coordinator in accordance to an agreed school cluster area. Any specific training needs/support will be discussed on an individual basis in advance of the volunteer start date. In accordance to current SportScotland guidelines, all volunteers are required to complete COVID Officer training (online module).
Support: Named Contact For Volunteer,
Wheelchair Access/Disabled Access Toilet