Helpers at the 60+ weekly Drop In/Lunch Club and also Drivers

  • VO93255


The 60 Plus Drop In has been operating since 2016 and meets weekly from 2pm – 4pm on a Wednesday. The last Wednesday of the month is the lunch club which meets at 1pm until 2.30/3pm.
We are looking for volunteers to help run the clubs, this would involve setting up, planning activities and helping with these, making tea/coffee etc half way through. The members clear this up and wash the dishes etc. We often have guest speakers or agencies in as well as running activities ourselves.
Most of the members are in their late 70’s and 80’s hence the need to look for more volunteers to help with the club and keep it running. The volunteers would need to start at 1.30pm but should be finished around 4pm as everyone helps clear up.
Volunteers for the lunch club would start earlier in the morning as we cook the lunch at the Centre and help prepare and dish this up as well as clearing up.
We also will be look for volunteer drivers to pick up people around the Scalloway area and mileage would be paid.

Organisation aims and objectives

The organisation’s purposes are: 4.1 The provision of a Youth & Community Centre for the use of the inhabitants of the district of Scalloway and environs, irrespective of age without distinction of any specific group, which will provide space for meetings, lectures, classes and other forms of recreation and leisure time occupation with the object of improving the conditions of life for the said inhabitants. 4.2 The advancement of citizenship by providing opportunities for volunteers to develop and facilities for the use of community groups. We run direct services for children, young people and the elderly and also do a number of community events including the Christmas Lights and flags that decorate the village.










Wednesdays 1.30 – 4.15pm and once a month 10.30am – 2.30pm

Frequency and commitment details

Wednesdays 1.30 ? 4.15pm and once a month 10.30am ? 2.30pm


Experience required: Good communication skills and patience as well as some organisational skills
Travel details: Scalloway Youth and Community Centre, Shetland
Minimum age: 17


Expenses paid: Yes
Expenses details: Mileage paid for drivers.
Taster available: Yes
Support: Named Contact For Volunteer,
Wheelchair Access/Disabled Access Toilet