Community Cafe Helper (NE Fife)

  • VO93033


CiC were originally set up during the Coronavirus pandemic, providing much needed support in the community. However, since then it has grown significantly to provide a range of services for the community and individuals who live here.

To continue to provide support, they are looking for volunteers to help out in the Community Café (Cupar) on a Saturday from 12-3pm.

This role will involve general kitchen support consisting of making teas/coffees and soft drinks as well as preparation of light refreshments for the customers that attend the café. Contributing to the overall health, safety and cleanliness of the café will also be a requirement.

You will be required to fill out an application form

Organisation aims and objectives

We support the community of North East Fife by running two hubs LGBTQ hub offering a safe space for the LGBTQ community working together with Trangender Fife to offer safe space for meetings, quiizzes and guest speakers such as the Community Police Working with our two local Highschool clusters to offer support for senior students facing LGBTQ Issues Community Cafe We offer a safe space for single parents and their children, elderly socially isolated, Migrants/refugees and Ukranians, people suffering mental health from local hospital and clients from nearby homeless centre are all welcome Working along with our partners cosy kingdom to support our client with increasing energy poverty as well as seescape to support our visually impaired clients.










2 - 2.5 hours


Experience required: CiC are looking for friendly and reliable individuals. An understanding of food hygiene and experience of volunteering in a kitchen would be advantageous, however not essential.
Travel details: At the Old parish Church in Cupar
Minimum age: 21


Expenses paid: Yes
Expenses details: on request
Training details: All new volunteer drivers will initially be accompanied by an existing member of CiC.
Support: Named Contact For Volunteer